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And Congratulations on taking the first step to a life that 'lights you up'.



Are you thinking about separation but not sure what the path ahead looks like?


Would you like to understand the financial and parenting implications IF you did make a change?


Have you already separated and need some clarity on what to do next?


Are you are having trouble trying to reach an agreement with your partner about your separation and/or divorce?


Do you want to speak with someone who understands, who is non-judgemental, and not self-interested?


Would you feel more comfortable keeping your plan on the 'down low' and not being influenced by greedy lawyers who just want o send a letter to the other side so they can start their retainer and adversarial process?


It's likely if you are researching online that you do not want to see a lawyer, you are either not ready or you know there is another way - a better way - to approach this.


 I am here to help & support you.

 This is an emotionally charged time, particularly if children are involved. We are a child-focused mediation and advisory service, we have your children's best interests at the forefront of everything we do.


Fully certified and operational since 2016, I’ve been successfully coaching clients and assisting individuals and couples to navigate a path through what is a very muddy landscape. I can help to clarify the process, simplify the steps efficiently and cost-effectively.


Image by Ivan Dostál

“We know what we are, but not what we may be”

William Shakespeare


0422 844 654

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